Much ado about AI content generation

I know I said I don’t have a promised cadence for my writing. I’m not sure what to call them. But I’ve set up a time in my calendar to write between 6–7 pm on Sundays and titled it “Review your week in public.” Thinking of these as reviews makes it less intimidating. So hereContinue reading “Much ado about AI content generation”

#StartUpFridayEnugu: Understanding the Tech Ecosystem

We are at the verge of a manual apocalypse and to prepare for it we need to build and train a digital literate workforce. A 2017 article by BBC reports that up to 800 million global workers will lose their jobs by 2030 to robot automation. The study which was carried out by the McKinsey Global Institute predictsContinue reading “#StartUpFridayEnugu: Understanding the Tech Ecosystem”